Wednesday 8 May 2013

Break Ups- Five Ways That Helped Me Break Out!

After breaking up with my partner two weeks ago, I've been going through definite periods of sadness and regret. But these five things have really helped me keep my mood positive.

1. Walks on the beach (or walks anywhere lovely!)- I took the photo above while walking near the ocean. The fresh air and exercise really clears your head. While I'm walking I make sure I focus on the positive aspects of my life, and everything I'm grateful for.

2. My dog Chico- having him around really lifts my mood. Pets are a great distraction, they can distract you  from thinking too much about your break up because they need to be walked, fed etc. If you don't have a pet and it's too much of a commitment to get one, you could always try fostering a dog from a shelter or a Greyhound. 

3. Surrounding yourself with awesome friends- my friends have been so supportive and lovely through this time. They have kept me busy and are always there to listen. My amazing housemate surprised me with this gorgeous bunch of white roses just as a little pick me up! Friends are so important to have around you at this time.

4. Positive affirmations- I love the sayings and affirmations that I find and that my friends send to me. They're just little things that can make you feel like you've done the right thing and you're on the right path. 

5. Keeping busy and getting out there- keeping busy is the most important way to break out of the sadness from a break up. Even if you don't feel like it, because you're too sad/ depressed/ teary/ angry, you MUST do it. You will feel 100 times worse moping at home (believe me I know)than you will going out for a couple of hours with your friends. Your mind will focus on something else, even if it's only for a short while, and you never know what might happen! The photo above was taken at the OBH in Cottesloe, my lovely friend dragged me there after work on Friday for a couple of hours, and it was definitely better than being at home on the couch with my thoughts!

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