Friday 31 May 2013

Getting Fit! (or at least trying to...)

The Seventh Duchess and I have been on a bit of a mission to try and get fit and toned. We both aren't overweight or anything but we would love to have toned, taut and terrific thighs and bums! I've slowly been increasing my efforts and I actually feel fitter. And it's all been mostly for free too. Here's how...


Obviously walking helps but we've been choosing hard walks with lots of steps. Allen Park in Swanbourne has some evil steps but rewards you with a great view at the top. You can see the city on one side and the sea on the other. Chico of course loves this walk. I walk twice a day but this is only because I own a kelpie, I'm sure once a day would be enough for most people!

Bollywood Dancing!

My housemate and I recently started Bollywood classes down in South Fremantle. They are really fun and you actually work up quite a sweat. Even doing a dance class I'm actually interested in once a week has made a difference in my aerobic fitness. 


Because of the bollywood classes and the steep steps walks I'm finding I can now jog for more than 10 seconds! It's amazing, I've actually been able to jog solidly for about 15 minutes around the oval, walk a bit and then start jogging again. I could not do this a month ago!

Weights, Lunges and Squats

I know I'm not going to get toned just walking and jogging, so my friend (who goes to the gym a lot and used to go out with a personal trainer) has promised to come over and show me the exercises to do that will get me toned! I have also been told to purchase two kilo weights and a medium sized ball to squeeze between my thighs while doing squats. This is not going to be easy! Stay tuned...

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